Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2 thousand!

2010: hamilton hoops, saints win super bowl, winter olympics, did taxes, got in a commercial, phoenix mercury practice session, got blu-ray fever, titans clashed, turned 32, spring conference, Duke over Butler, applied for jobs, family history classes, ate rabbit, only 1 dentist visit, roadie to L.A. for nephew's birthday, new temple dedicated, played city league softball, car battery dies, USA advances in world cup, some job interviews, traded in Rogue for Versa, watched 'Inception', Sweetie's opens, pool parties, SRP gas leak/power outage, house-sat twice, read Mockingjay, blind date: Jesterz improv, fall conference, robbed cradle, carved pumpkins, big family photo, got (kinda) sick, coaching freshmen again, Harry Potter 7.1 released, ate turkey but no pies, christmas devotional, TRON in 3D, got (really)sick, happy birthday Joseph Smith, happy birthday Jesus, more hamilton hoops*
*subbed a lot, too

2011: ... we'll see


Jenna Kae said...

you forgot eating a whole bag of jelly bellies.

my name is john said...


and Rally's opened, played HALO:REACH, lots of celebs died,
snuck into 'the Suites', and a big family reunion in Mesa to cap it all off


Jenna Kae said...

Too bad no nba jam though...