Sunday, July 17, 2011

hallows? deathly?

Dear Hollywood,
Generally speaking, you suck.

Dear Warner Bros.,
Congratulations on the future record for highest grossing movie of all time.

Dear David Yates,
As of right now, sir, you are THE MAN (in my opinion).

Dear Emma Watson,
I would look for horcruxes with you anytime. I mean it.

Dear Harry/Daniel,
Good job buddy, but I think you should just retire now.

Dear kid who played Ron Weasley,
Well done my friend, but no more movies for you either.

Dear Mrs. Rowling,
I pretty much think you lucked out with the franchise...but whatever.

Dear fans of Hogwarts,
I know you are all sad that it's over, but deal with it.

* If you can't tell, I thought highly of the last installment of this series. There has been few movies in a series made with more art, skill, and craft than what I watched happen in 3 dimensional specs on 7/15/11 at 12:12 a.m.

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