Friday, April 8, 2011

Tulips + Daisies = todaysies ?

In about 48 hours from this post I will officially be on the road and headed to the east coast


So with that I offer this latest post from the valley of the sun ... hey, stay awake!

Today's trivia-
Q: What do you call a baby porcupine?
A: A porcupet(te)

Today in history-
* On this day in 1513, explorer Juan Ponce de Leon landed at St. Augustine and claimed the whole of Florida for Spain (from the spanish for 'feast of flowers')

Today's quote-
"The greatest achievement mankind can make in this world is to familiarize themselves with divine truth, so thoroughly, so perfectly, that the example or conduct of no creature living in the world can ever turn them away from the knowledge that they have obtained." (Joseph F. Smith, 1915)

Today's website-

Today's shout out-
this one is for the Arizona Diamondbacks, on the night of their home opener... hey guys, let's make it a good year, huh, what do you say?

Today's R.I.P.-
former NBA player Drazen Petrovic (October 22, 1964 – June 7, 1993)
he was LEGIT

[to be resumed later this month 2 time zones away]

1 comment:

Jenna Kae said...

How about this? Your boy swept all the awards.

Hope Texas is treating you right.