Saturday, August 2, 2008


School's getting ready to start back up and I remembered this thing I did once.
While I was student teaching I created this "Favorites" list for my students (icebreaker).
I have filled in the blanks according to my mood. You know how we always change our minds.

1. song/singer- Marvin Gaye singing the Star Spangled Banner
2. color/flavor- chocolate marshmallows are the best!
3. movie/actor(actress)- Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta, Will Smith in I am Legend
4. athlete/sport- those AND1 mix tape tour street ballers are fun to watch
5. cereal- either corn pops, frosted flakes, or frosted mini wheats
6. TV show- used to be CSI, it was a great show for awhile
7. candy bar- charleston chew (hands down)
8. game- scrabble and boggle I guess
9. book/author- Rowling is the new Tolkien? Dr. Seuss rules
10. soft drink- just Hawaiian Punch
11. ice cream- DQ blizzards of course
12. video game- all time? maybe Final Fantasy X
13. gum/candy- mike and ikes rock my mouth
14. activity/hobby- shootin' hoops/shootin' pool
15. cartoon character/comic- I'm into Marvel mostly
16. school subject- social studies for everybody
17. store/brand- hate to say this, but Nike takes it (outlet)
18. restaurant- for grease-Rally's…for spice-Popeye's
19. smell- has to be fresh cotton candy
20. excuse- "there's always tomorrow"

*feel free to submit yours at your leisure

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