Friday, March 12, 2010

I feel naked, I mean bare

Did you peep into this post out of curiosity?
I'm sure.

The reason for my title is that I have given up my Star Wars Trilogies and my Lord of the Rings collection. I know, crazy huh? It's because I feel like movin on up to the next step - Blu Ray. The Lord of the Rings 3-pack comes out in a few weeks. I still need a player of course, and an HDMI cable. This is an urge that's probably worth the wait.

Along the Family History lines, the following website is a DANDY.

This program is free, but the Deluxe version seems to impress others more. You can do some pretty cool stuff with your ancestral information in this system. (I wouldn't pass it on if it was anything less than cool)

Just like you wouldn't be reading this if you were anything less than cool. See how that works out?

B- ]